Dr. Hermine van Duyvenvoorde
Hermine van Duyvenvoorde received her PhD degree from Leiden University (the Netherlands) with a dissertation on the genetic causes of growth disorders. Currently, Hermine van Duyvenvoorde is a clinical laboratory geneticist at the Laboratory for Diagnostic Genome analysis (LDGA) of the Leiden University Medical Center (the Netherlands), with expertise in Neuromuscular disorders and Endogenetics (growth disorders and skeletal abnormalities). She is responsible for molecular diagnostic testing concerning Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy, Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy, and various diseases causing skeletal abnormalities, short and tall stature. Furthermore, she is involved in clinical research concerning these topics in collaboration with neurologists, endocrinologists, clinical geneticists and researchers in the human genetics field. Besides these activities, she has expertise of the international standard ‘ISO 15189 medical laboratories – requirements for quality and competence’, works as a technical expert concerning clinical genetic laboratories for the Dutch Accreditation Council and acts as an EQA assessor for the European Molecular Genetics Quality Network (EMQN).